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GET A LIFE Seminars, Inc. is a 501(c)3 and FL non-profit Christian organization for the promotion of optimal spiritual, emotional, and physical health according to Biblical principles.

We serve the public and newly forming and existing churches.


What's in a name? Our name was strategically chosen because of the colloquial popularity of the phrase, “GET A LIFE!”  This expression can be heard in almost every setting within our society.  It is usually directed toward someone who is overworked, over-stressed, and therefore overbearing in matters deemed by a friend or co-worker to be trivial and unimportant.  Often it is blurted out when that friend has reached their limit of tolerance for being the brunt of the friend’s stress.  We at GET A LIFE Seminars wish to take a new spin on that phrase.  We want to help people know how to get a real life – a life of enduring satisfaction and peace with God and a satisfying whole health experience- physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

For the public, GET A LIFE Seminars can help to connect with community members of all religious backgrounds. 


For existing churches, GET A LIFE Seminars can go one step further and help church members “Get a life!” of more meaningful prayer and a more involved, devoted discipleship to Jesus.  We believe this can occur on both a personal level and on a church-wide level with healthy small group infrastructure that includes the often overlooked component of community outreach.


For the newly forming church, GET A LIFE Seminars can offer  various public education/outreach events.  We can help in getting the new church off to a healthy start by developing small group structure as a part of its formative “DNA”.

© 2022 by Get A Life Seminars, Inc.

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